
Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I was over at one of my favorite blogs and saw that Sara Mae was doing a 12 new things in 12 months challenge!  I am ALWAYS up for a challenge and was REALLY excited about trying/learning 12(ish) new things that I have NEVER done before!  Since Morgan is due to arrive in November I won't be starting my "12 new things" until December!  (A little behind...since they started in AUGUST...but better late then NEVER!!!)  But I am REALLY excited about my 12 and I put a LOT of thought into what I might accomplish with the Lords help!  Here they are...

December: Make homemade Cinnamon Ornaments with the boys & hang them on the tree!

January: Learn how to run by following this couch to 5K training schedule found here. (I have NEVER been a runner...but figure now is a good time to start & it wouldn' t hurt with getting some of that baby weight off!  Hehehe)

February: Learn how to make a digital photo book online through this company!

March: Actually RUN this 5K...the date is set!!!!  (I have never ran anything more than 2 miles and that was a WHILE ago!)  :)

April: Learn how to sew my daughter a piece of clothing...this is what I had in mind!

May: Learn to makeTiffany's Homemade Fresh Tortillas with all the works for Cinco De Mayo!!!

June:  Learn to make my own laundry detergent using Mrs. Duggar's recipe!

July: Learn how to make these ADORABLE Distressed picture canvasses of the kids for my BARE bedroom walls.  (Placement may be subject to change depending on how well they turn out!  ;o)

August: Implement a morning devotion for the kids...I liked this Read & Share DVD Bible!

September: Taking a cooking class with my Hubby or a friend at Sur La Table or Hipcooks and learn some new techniques!

October: Go to a College football game with my Husband!  (Not really learning a skill here...but we have never been & we LOVE date night & football!!!)

November: Learn to sew my birthday girl a black apple doll!

I would love to hear if you took up on this challenge...let me know by leaving a comment and a link to your 12 new things!  I will be updating each month on how terrible or how well my challenge turned out for the month!  How FUN!!!  :)