
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Cilantro-Lime Chicken Fajita Pizza with Grilled Onions


I know this is such a cheater way of updating my food blog, but this accidental leftover turned AMAZING and I HAD to share!!!  These Cilantro-lime chicken fajitas that I posted a while back have been a "go to" fave for our family.  It makes a ton and we always have leftover.  So a few nights back I decided why not make it a pizza???  I LOVE pizza and I'm pretty sure you can make almost anything into one.  So here we go in a few super EASY steps....

  1. Use 1-2 cups of leftover fajitas
  2. Use 1/4-1/2 cup salsa
  3. Use your all time favorite pizza dough...we prefer the one below.  Although as a BUSY Mom of four littles Trader Joes prepared dough & herbed dough are TOTALLY acceptable and SUPER AMAZING!
  4. Top with Cheddar, Monterey Jack, or Mozzarella   :)

Assembly: Pizza dough (follow pizza dough directions below), top with some salsa in place of where your red sauce would be, spread fajita leftovers evenly, and then lightly top with your cheese of choice!  EASY!!! Bake until golden brown and all bubbly!  We also love to slide the pizza off the pan right onto the oven rack for a few minutes to get a crispier crust just at the last 5 minutes or so.  Oh and if you ever grill your pizzas then this would be AMAZING too!  Sadly our grill is out of commission at this time or that would be our preferred method!  Enjoy!!!  Let me know if you give it a shot and what you think.  Our family LOVED it!  I think next time I'll top it with some sliced jalapenos for a little kick!  Happy cooking!!!

Great Pizza Dough

Makes enough dough for 2 pizza's

5c. flour

2tsp salt

2c. warm water

2 pkg's of active dry yeast

2 tbsp. sugar

Mix dry ingredients, then add water (slowly while mixing just a little...don't over mix) Cover with a clean towel and set in a warm place, Let rise 1 hour. punch down dough. Let rise again 1 hour. Divide into two large balls. Roll out on flowered surface. bake at about 400-450* for 20-25 minutes after putting toppings on. (I like to pre-bake the dough about 5-7 minutes without toppings on and then add the sauce and topping and finish baking. It's much crispier and is always cooked through. I can't stand a doughy pizza!)