
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Freezing Blueberries!

My sweet friend Marta stopped by at the end of the summer from picking fresh blueberries from a local farm. She was sweet enough to bring me 2 gallon size containers FULL of these blue beauties! I decided to eat some & use some right away!!! But then I still had a ton that I needed to freeze. So I rinsed all of the blueberries and let them air dry. Then I put wax paper on some baking sheets and spread the berries out in a single layer and put them in the freezer until they were frozen through.
Then I put them all into a ziplock freezer bag and placed them back into the freezer! Ta-DA! The wonderful thing about freezing them on the cookie sheet first is that they don't stick together! So when you are ready to make that YUMMY Blueberry Buckle recipe, you can go into your freezer and only scoop out the amount you need for your recipe! Easy Peasy!!! :)

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